Saturday, February 15, 2020

what are the best books on genealogy?

Sheldon Lally: most persons don't deal with books, nowadays.. but if you are looking to increase your standards on research, there are some good articles here. I see our buddy Ted Pack has one article listed on cyndis. a GENERAL idea of what I am saying.. the difference between good/bad in genealogy is knowing how to be critical of where you get your info. That is a bottom liner. When you go into specifics.. a book in the genealogy field TENDS TO be location or topic specific. Example, Texans in the Civil War could be a hugely scholarly work..but useless, unless it applies to your family. We often get asked here, which is the best website.. and my answer is that wanting one "best" is limiting to you. You want AS MANY as possible, as your ancestors and facts are not going to always be consolidated to one place or record. Just to contradict myself.. cyndis is a great site, because it exposes you to thousands of sources. A key facto! r for your research.. is to focus in on a problem, and evaluate what you want. IE.. finding probate files in colonial VA; the quality sources for immigration records.. why SOME OLDER books are known to be rip offs, or padded with false info. You won't get all of this in one sitting. is another HIGHLY RESPECTED source for learning. It helps when you are explicit on what you are wanting to locate. From the way you worded this, my assumption has to be learning about quality research, so that's how I went....Show more

Kandi Lough: As usual, the answer is: "It all depends..." upon where your ancestors came from, when they came, etc.Here are a few:“Mapping Human History: Discovering the Past Through Our Genes” by Steve Olson"Genealogy 101" by Barbara Renick and "Trace Your Roots with DNA: Using Genetic Tests to Explore Your Family Tree" by Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak and Ann Turner.“Before the Flood: The Biblical Flood as a Real Event an! d How it Changed the Course of Civilization” by Ian WilsonI ! refer you to the 2-volume "Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales: Containing a record of all ranks of the gentry, their lineage, alliances, appointments, armorial ensigns, and residences; ancient pedigrees and memorials of old and extinct families; notices of the history, antiquities, physical features, chief estates, geology, and industry of each county; rolls of high sheriffs and members of Parliament for three hundred years, etc., etc. Second issue, revised and much enlarged" by Thomas Nicholas, M.A., Ph.D, F.G.S., &c.Copyright 1872, 1875.This is A Heritage Classic published by Heritage Books, Inc. 1540E Pointer Ridge Place, Bowie, Maryland 10716, 1-800-398-7709.If your ancestors are from England, the Doomsday book is one of the best. And don't forget the books by Burke (father and son each wrote their own), Martin Genealogy (referring to the ancestors of the Germanna Colony), "Mayflower Families" by Thomas Rogers, Connecticut Colonists by H! olbrook, and books by B. C. Holtclau.As I said, it "all depends", so stop by your local public library, see if they have a genealogy section, and they should be able to guide you to relevant books.Lots of people use only the internet; it is faster, but much less accurate. Books, in the main, are more accurate than "official records", which didn't exist for most of humanities existance....Show more

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