Monday, June 8, 2020

Can someone tell me how horoscopes work?

Mark Villifana: first you have to shave yoor gmas back thenn you kneed to need bred and put y00r finger in a pot of lions

Davis Zou: idk

Pasquale Pollet: i will tell you if you give me points for the answer the answer is i don not know

Raymundo Kyser: please don’t answer if you're aren’t going to take it seriously or actually try to help me out.thanks

Fermin Tara: You Sun Sign is decided by your birthday and what constellation of the zodiac the sun was in when you were born. There are 12 of them. Then there are other aspects to make it more personal- where the Moon waswhen you were born= Moon Sign, what sign was on the horizon at the exact moment of your birth= Rising Sign. There are also 12 Houses-1 for each of the 12 Signs. There are 4 elements- earth, water, air, and fire.Each sign is ruled predominantly by one of these elements. There are 3of each element in the zodiac. That should keep you busy for awhile. :)Daily horoscopes are in refle! ction to your Sun Sign....Show more

Mauro Cowee: i will tell to for a $5.00 connection fee plus $1.99 a minute.

Nicolasa Henke: horoscope The astrological chart of the zodiac, done from a geocentric point of view, upon which the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets are located for a specific time and date. If that date is a person's birth date (or, indeed, even the “birth” date of a nation, company, idea, event, or animal) the chart is a “natal” horoscope, used by the astrologer to predict important characteristics of that subject. Each astrological sign is said to confer certain general characteristics. The rising points of the heavenly bodies, their relationships to one another, and various other correlations are all believed important. Events in the subject's life, conditions of health, and fortune are said to be found in the horoscope. Definitive, carefully conducted tests of the idea have shown it to be false. The first written hor! oscope dates from 409 B.C., and it is a Mesopotamian specimen ! found among less that twenty known from that period....Show more

Autumn Vacio: Believers claim that the planet overhead at the date and time you were born influences your behavior. Of course, that planet may be tens of millions of miles away, so any gravitational influence it might have would be pretty small. Heck, your neighbor's car has a stronger gravitational pull on you than the planets. Maybe you're a born leader, because your neighbor drove a Lincoln when you were born?The other thing is that astrologers write their horoscopes in vague ways that suggest attributes and events that could happen to any of us. If I say "You have some stress in your life, but you are strong enough to overcome it and come out smelling like a rose", you're probably going to agree with me. Who doesn't have some stress, and who doesn't think they have some strengths?So check your horoscope if you really want, but be sure to look for vague general statements that can apply to a lot ! of people. You'll start to realize what kind of hokum this really is....Show more

Julienne Poplawski: yea

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