Sunday, April 19, 2020

Basic computer networking books?

Noah Deni: what kinds of jobs are available for them? - jobs in IT branch of a few agencies personal computer help, employer analyst, database admin, gadget admin, community admin/engineer, programmer, application tester, application qa what style of jobs can they provide the impact of being for in the adventure that they acquire "B Grade" in C++ & Java? - get admission to point programmer also, if no jobs for them are available interior the laptop field, can they provide the impact of being for jobs elsewhere? if so, what kinds of jobs? - don't comprehend... ultimately, can they modify into Math instructors at a extreme college or coach straight forward math or Programming classes in college? - certain if math ability is sweet and training ability is sweet...Show more

Noah Deni: Personal Experience, you go for "computer networking by Andrew S. Tanenbaum"Perfect book for learning basic to high level networking

Lyman Gauld: Gussin is right and they do make book! s like networks for dummies that explain a lot. try

Oscar Wieland: Honestly I don't have a direct answer to your question. What I will say that may help is that books are not the greatest resource for computer based learning. It's a field that evolves soooo quickly year over year. The best information can be found online. Youtube is a great place to find up to date tutorials and information about computer networking. I've learned a lot more from updated online resources then from out of date books. Hope this helps and sorry I don't have a direct answer for you....Show more

Horace Escue: The CompTia Network + Certification guide is good.

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