Tuesday, April 14, 2020

motorcycle mechanic schools in texas?

Clifford Riggleman: For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avZ8MM.M.I in phoenix az or orlando fla. Thats the best school

Todd Stogner: This Site Might Help You.RE:motorcycle mechanic schools in texas?I really want to be a motorcycle mechanic.

Lu Snide: Chris and Mark, thank you so much for your sincerity and clarity. It is quite very challenging here in the USA with the big business owners competing seriously even with the struggling starters. I think the best thing is to try and relocate to another country where your enormous experience is needed. For instance, am from Nigeria and there are serious need for brainy technicians like you. The deficit of highly skilled technicians in both motocycle and car is a serious problem. The repairers there are using obsolete technics that are causing more damages than amendments. Until reading your comments, I have been thinking of being motocyle and car technician in order to go home and establish! a repairing business. I am very sure you guys will be blessings in Nigeria and people will be happy to have such wealth of people around. Likewise, you can start a training centre and help people to learn modern technics in todays repairing business. I will like to work with you guys provided you are interested in this idea.Again, thank you for your wonderful and comprehensive comments....Show more

Renay Billiar: Not sure what campus they do the motorcycle schools but wyotech has a program. I provided the link below.

Salvador Prchlik: Motorcycle Mechanic Schools

Giovanna Cramblit: Like Chris, I am a motorcycle tech. I ran one of the top ten multibrand dealership service departments in New England when we sold over a thousand units a year. I had six guys working for me, billed over $2000 a day labor, handled NINE OEMS. That was 86-91. I AM one of the uber qualified bike mechanics looking for work. So I went back to cars. Where it's no better. EVERY car ma! ker is going to pre paid maintenance plans. Customer pay is dr! ying up.Easy to watch chopper shows on TV, and think the wrench life is a good one. Problem is, it isn't.Like the Screaming Eagle Fat Bob you just prepped?? You'll never own one.Go into a bar and watch the pretty girls RUN AWAY when you tell them you make $10 an hour in a bike shop.When I owned a shop, my Snap-On bill was over $100K!...Show more

Patricia Bolduc: no, no you dont. Please take it from me, and anyone else on here that IS a technician...or use to be one. The industry is GONE, so many dealerships have gone out of business and your chance of getting a job are slim to NONE unless your family owns a dealership. I graduated from MMI yamaha, honda, and kawasaki certs. I went straight into a dealership from school ONLY because my father is a service rep for yamaha. The dealer went out of business less than a year after I was there. My dad retired since then and I can not get a job anywhere. I can tell you and so will the instructors at the school..less than 5% o! f the students that attend MMI or wyotech are actually able to pursue a career in the powersports industry. The going rate for MMI was $32,000 for all four metric brands back in 2008... an insane price for what it is. Dont get me wrong, you can learn a lot there. But these schools are FOR PROFIT schools, their interest is the money in your pocket, not the education they give you. save yourself and go to regular college...I wish I would have. Oh, and one last thing..It doesn't matter how determined you are to becoming a motorcycle technician. There are so many uber qualified techs with 20+ years experience that are out of a job...do you think you are going to get a job over them?...not in a million years.Sorry to crush your dreams, but if you want to learn motorcycle mechanics go to a local college and take a class there...its nice to know how to work on your own stuff but dont do it for a career. It will be one of the worse decisions of your life....Show more

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