Thursday, April 16, 2020

What to do with bad breath ?  

What to do with bad breath ?  

answers 0:Hello I'm a 15 year old girl. For me asking my teacher a question or talking to my friends at school or just talking to people generaly can be very awkward. I have a bad breath and its so bad that me and everyone else can smell it. I brush my teeth in the morning and before I go to sleep. And also if I eat something my breath doesn't smell , but it will smell like 10 minutes after I eat.. So at school sometimes I just have to eat in the class not because I'm hungry but because my breath smells. And that looks totally weird to just go to your locker in the middle of a lecture and eat just because a bad breath. I need to do somethong about it very fast, my school prom is next week and no boys will want to danse with a girl who stinks. What should I do??...Show moreanswers 1:That's the same situation I deal wit! h sometimes, although I try my best to hide it. Here's what I do to prevent this situation: I chew Dentyne ice or peppermint flavored gum. Sometimes teachers get upset when you chew gum in the class, and if that's how your teacher's feel then buy Listerine pocketpaks. They're not very expensive. Sometimes the toothpaste that you use could be the reason. I used Colgate all my life and I wasn't satisfied with it. Use Crest and Crest mouthwash. I used Crest every morning along with the mouthwash, and my mouth didn't stink at all. If these doesn't work for you, then you should go see your dentist. Sometimes dental infections could be the cause of bad breath....answers 2:Go to your doctor or dentist - there could be a medical issue. In the meantime try a non-alcohol based mouthwash and see if that helps. Try chewing gum.answers 3: 4:You can buy mouthwash from the chemist's or superstore which will kill the odorous bacteria in your mouth. It kil! ls bacteria on your gums which make your gums recede. Ask the ! Doc/Chemist about it. Food is trapped between the teeth and if not cleaned properly it rots creating the smell.answers 5:Mouth wash, mints, and gum should be your bestfriends.answers 6:Alan has some good advice: Go to your doctor or dentist and see if there's a medical issue making your your breath odorous. Also, you mentioned brushing your teeth every morning and night, but do you floss your teeth? It's important to floss because flossing gets out food that could cause bacteria that could contribute to odorous breath. Don't forget to brush your tongue as well as your teeth and mouth cavity (lightly). Brush your teeth after eating. It's ok if you brush your teeth at school. Maybe other kids will do the same thing. Not getting food particles out of your mouth will also contribute to tooth decay. Also, try using a tongue scraper to get off bad bacteria.So, as Alan suggests, make an appointment with your doctor or dentist. And make sure you floss and use alcohol free! mouthwash. Also, certain medications cause dry mouth which can contribute to breath problems.Once your doctor finds out the cause, it's likely that they'll be able to find a solution for it. But it's important to find the cause first. Take care....answers 7:What about a mint? Gum? High schools don't really care about gum anyways.answers 8:yay mouthwash and gum??? uhmmmmmmmm mebbe go to the dentist once in a while (just a thought)

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