Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Credit Scores Good OR bad?

Long Woltjer: it is neutral not good or bad it is where people start

Anton Waln: The median FICO score is 723. So under 723 you are considered average. The lower you are from 723 the less likely you are to get good deals or credit cards. Pay attention more to the average than any particular number. The average is very important because it tracks total FICO scores for the population, meaning if the average score for the population drops to 600 then 600 would be the new average and above 600 would be considered a good score. It's important to remember that the score business use when looking at applications change all the time. Just try and keep at least an average score and you'll be fine. No FICO score is static so keep that in mind. Hopefully you can up your score over time....Show more

Alberto Kozub: Good.

Mel Crapo: This should help you to understand how credit scores work.. FICO scores from 300 to 850 and Vantage Plus scores from 501 to 990. Here is ! the breakdown for both systems. Vantage Plus system scores from 501-990. A-901-990 B-801-900 C-701-800 D-601-700 F-501-600 FICO system scores from 300-850. Elite-740-& up Prime-700-739 Preferred-660-699 Standard-625-659 Sub-prime-624-& under FICO is the only one that matters since it's the one that all major lenders look at. So as you can see it depends on if your looking at a true FICO score or a Vantage plus score. As far as what makes up credit scores it's the following; 1. Payment history (longer the better) 35% 2. Time in bureau (longer the better) 15% 3. Types of credit (mix of credit cards & installment loans) 10% 4. New credit (new accounts and inquiries) 10% 5. Debt to credit ratio (lower the better) 30% So as you can see credit is based on opening and paying accounts. So without that you would have no score at all. To answer your question the credit bureaus use different scoring systems. Equifax uses FICO, Experian uses Vantage and Transunion uses both depending o! n what type of bureau is pulled of which there are 3. The stan! dard that you see, the auto enhanced that only auto dealers and lenders see and the factual which only mortgage companies and lenders see. So each person can have 9-different scores none of which will match. Great system huh. Add to this that all lenders do not even report to all 3 credit bureaus and some don't report at all and you begin to see the problem with our current system. Good luck....Show more

Hai Biggart: good!

Dexter Dicostanzo: Its not Good.

Joan Stavropoulos: ====>> .....................

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