Friday, March 13, 2020

Photography career question?

Ricky Frazer: Errr, yes it would.

Bob Pucella: Photography is an art form that one can make a living at, so, yes and no.Medicine could also be called an art form, but there are every few that practice that art form that are not in it as a career, whereas there are millions of people that do photography that do not think of it as a career.Added: Thanks, thumbs are the digits that make us primates, fingers are what we use to shoot photography, here's my finger. Click....Show more

Lizzette Wendroth: Well people get paid to take your picture for school (picture day)You pay them for your yes I'd consider photography as a career :]

Chauncey Williama: If 31 is old, then I am ancient!! Any career--you're never too old. I knew a physician (in her late 40's)--was a bar singer and she return to school (full time) and got her M.D. I also know a nurse who got her nursing career going when she was in her late 40's. Never too late! That's about changing car! eer--on the other hand, being hired as a photographer to work full time, say, for a magazine, or a newspaper, is another thing. Others will be able to discuss that with you better than I can. If you are going to school full time, having an income to support the family can be the problem, and that stops a lot of people (adults, I mean) from returning to school. There are always another school loan, I am afraid....Show more

Luke Kosch: Photography would be considered a career. You provide a service for a client and receive compensation.....sounds like a career to me.

Erica Bottaro: Yep, career for sure. Remember there were people who painted as a hobby and their names we're Picasso, Van Gogh, etc.

Blaine Connett: yes photography is a career, if you take pictures of people for a living like family shots or something, or the pictures in a magazine, someone has to take those and probably get a lot of money for it too.

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