Saturday, August 22, 2020

Are landscape/lawn services "green"?

Jude Colbenson: One is better off using the landscape/lawn services than buying a bag of fertilizer at the local garden/hardware store. The chemicals the landscape/lawn services use are more regulated than the stuff one buys at the store.I don't use fertilizer at all. I have a green lawn -- it's a little weedy, but I've come to terms with the weeds, except the dandelions -- but it'll be even greener when I overseed it with grass seed in the fall and look forward to too much grass in the lawn in the spring.In some communities, neighbors must tell each other when they're pouring chemicals down on their lawns or paying someone else to do so. Check if your community is one of those.There have been studies showing that some weed killers cause cancer and leukemia in children who play on treated lawns. Educate you neighbors about those studies.I wouldn't blame the lawn services. They only using chemicals that they're sure they won't be sued for using on their customers' law! ns. Arm yourself with solid information about the dangers of chemical fertilizers and weed killers and share what information you find with your neighbors.Learn to love your weeds, or learn to pull them by hand. Most people I know who complain about the effect of weed killers and fertilizers on the environment fail to maintain pretty lawns. There's no reason a lawn can't be chemical-free and pretty at the same time. Be a model citizen!...Show more

Serita Hefferon: intercourse isn't a provider or commodity except you cope with it that way. To me it's basically to thrill the only i like and additionally. or you're quite frankly dropping it sluggish and probable getting a toddler with somebody who you will possibly no longer have a destiny with. So I basically have intercourse with somebody if i've got self assurance like shall we've a real destiny jointly and it makes it extra relaxing for me and her as nicely.

Lahoma Beadell: Generally speaking, the lawn/land! scape services are far from green. They use horrible pesticide! s and insecticides which then pollute the area and the water supply. The homeowner wants the garden/lawn to be perfect and the service company wants to provide that, so they use poison. I am an organic landscaper and educate my customers beforehand. They seem to appreciate it....Show more

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