Saturday, August 1, 2020

Is there a requirement or license for a alternative medicine doctor to work for a LLC company?

Freddy Shutler: Some states license different things while other states leave it up to the counties or even cities.Most however leave the training up to the schools that teach such things. If you haven't decided on a school yet Mueller School of Holistic Health in San Diego, Ca. is a very good # 619-291-9811

Kellie Waycott: There almost always is, we can't have any old idiot running around telling people to take this or that. The licensing certification procedures are there to make sure that the 'alternative practioner' doesn't kill people by having them take something dangerous, or that they know how to properly sterilize any equipment, etc, not, btw, that their 'treatment' works.Do you know what an LLC is, because it really doesn't make any difference in this context....Show more

Providencia Jalbert: It depends on what type of "alternative medicine doctor" you're referring to. If the person is a licensed Chiropractor, Naturopath, Homeopath, or ! other officiated positions, they would have to have licensing in order to practice in their field regardless of the company they worked with... if they are a Nutritionist, Dietitian, or general "health adviser," that would be a whole different answer depending on their position, qualifications, etc. For example, a nurse would need different licensing than a doctor regardless if the company they worked for was LLC or not.If you really aren't sure, you can contact your state's business office to see which licensing and requirements are needed for that person's position and title... that would give you the answer right from the horse's mouth instead of us trying to guess on limited information. Good luck and I hope I helped!...Show more

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