Saturday, August 15, 2020

Why do children need health care?

Tracy Huesso:

Danette Slotnick: Do flowers laugh.

Irma Poiter: They're not trying to kill the private sector. They're helping Big Business, because that's who lines their pockets. Unfortunately, the only real way Washington can help Big Business is by fostering an environment that is hostile to Big Business' smaller competitors. So specifically they are implementing policy meant to kill the SMALL private sector so that a handful of corporations control everything.

Clinton Migliori: Republican don't get the point of universal health care is not about paying for lazy people not working, but about leveraging the whole health cost to everyones, since everyone will need to use it from time to time and it cost a lot less to prevent sickness then fix them after. Being uneducated about politics, people think that socialism and communism are the same, witch is totally false. Instead of taking care of themselves, people in USA prefer to keep their bad eating ! habits and then take tons of pills that are not much better since they bring other health problems. My dad, who was all his life a hard working men, got three hearth attacks in the past two years. He always got quick and efficient care and his cholesterol is now at a very low level. If he had to live in USA instead then Canada, he would have probably had to lose his 1M$ house and all his money and get to be really stressed over the chance of getting another hearth attack. Oh, and they would probably cut is insurance too, to make sure not to lose any more money. Republicans become Democrats or Liberals once they have lost everything due to their health. Then they realize how they have been cheated in that nonsense, realizing their insurance only covers what they want and establishing high premiums. How much crooked politicians received in white envelopes to do establish this inhuman treatment.

Asley Quickle: Right now they're spending on oil industry cleanup, and oil i! ndustry is creating the costs.

Byron Fortmann: By the wa! y, I am in graduate school and I am neither rich nor poor. My yearly income is a GTA stipend of $14,400, but my parents earn 95K together.

Freeman Rutkin: Do you believe that? or are you letting those left wing teachers and professors rhetoric take over your ability to take an objective view of things? most of which have no practical experience in what they teach.

Joellen Zorrilla: Cloward/Piven

Ermelinda Stalnaker: why am i answering a lame question like this?

Rana Rudell: Why do liberals love abortion, so they don't have to pay for healthcare.

Carli Watterson: First everyone complains about the tax system the difference is that the Reps balk about spending it on the poor while the Dems ***** about spending it on breaks for the wealthy. So both sides ***** equally about the tax system yet do nothing to fix it. Second the definition of poverty is very unclear and is largely depend ant on what gov't agency you're asking the question. Finally! , the middle is bearing the brunt of the expense for the wealthy tax breaks and supporting the impoverished. PEACE!

Sol Allphin: You're right, they do have the right to health care.And food, education, and nuturing.We already have a mechanism in place to provide these things.We call it "parenting"....Show more

Ayesha Genova: Because health is not exclusive to adults

Rana Rudell: because republicans donate thousands of dollars to charities all over the world so they would rather pay lower taxes and donate more to charities than pay higher taxes to the government and donate less to charities... =]take mel gibson for example.. donates almost a million dollars each year to charity..Hillary clinton- donated less than 100 thousand dollars to charities but with publicity makes almost as much as mel gibson.

Buster Exline: Rich people pay very little in taxes whether they are Dems or Republicans. The difference is that the Dems want to spend my money on so! meone else. Traditional Republicans think that I should be able to spen! d my own money as I see fit. There is a difference!

Solomon Belback: There is no right or wrong answer here, all feedback is welcomed. I will be back once this question expires.

Stan Conley: Do you REALLY think they care about the poor? They really want poor people to stay poor, because they will stay dependent on Democrat programs designed to help the poor. in reality if the poor were no longer poor, the Dems wouldn't be needed. Rest assured, no Dem ever paid more in taxes than he abvsolutely had to.

Alane Antes: They get sick and hurt too. Everybody deserves it. Hopefully someday our country can even make it affordable.

Clinton Migliori: To me it is the thought that putting more money into the economy provides jobs and opportunities for people.. Higher taxes keeps people feeding from the Government trough. which makes them dependent.. some will always need help, but some would love Opportunity..One man's opinion

Alisa Kaleiwahea: lobotomy!

Reyes Brunell: Do you know any wealthy Democrats? I do, and they complain about high taxes just as much. In fact, when it comes time, I think EVERYONE complains about taxes. And you are right: since they are wealthy, it doesn't affect them much. It affects the poor a lot, and at times can be the difference between living comfortably, and just plain living.

Solomon Belback: Basically, wealthy democrats hardly complain about paying high taxes, yet rich republicans always do. All rich people are in the same tax bracket (35%), so what's the big deal--both being taxed the same amount. Plus with tax loopholes, havens, shelters, trusts and high-priced CPA's etc., they probably pay less than that. I personally have no problem with that, it's avoidance, not evasion.

Craig Virani: Huh?

Rubye Bonnin: they really do not care anymore than the rich republicans. They just are insecure with the chances of being elected without pandering to the poor. In th! e end they just wind up lying to everyone more. What is really being do! ne is they are wanting to take everyone who makes above the poverty line and raise their taxes to fund programs for those below the poverty line. Which will put even more families below the poverty line. But that's just my lower middle class Conservative opinion.

Nona Lentini: This administration is likened to parents leaving home for the weekend, and the kids are ruling the roost. The MONKEYS are running the ship!They have no idea what they are doing, that is why you hear so much controversy, and changing directions on policies, changing the bills a hundred times before signing, changing words even, so they can confuse people of what they are actually doing.Just listen to Gibs stumble through explanations, it is an absolute joke.I am 58 years old and have never seen such a farce as what is going on in Washington today. Never, nobody, nohow. Absolutely AMAZING!

Augustus Sarria: So far all of you have interesting points, and now I have to go to class.

R! ana Rudell: Kind of funny how they proclaim themselves to be the smart ones!

Peter Lapoint: We just don't want to pay for someone else's medicare, welfare, and Social Security.

David Kuper: ok.what about other humans.......don't they have a right to it too?oh, the gov't is wasting too much $$$ on keeping prisoners healthy.?......please.get a grip.........

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