Sunday, August 9, 2020

Are you sure you want government-run health care?

Wilfredo Muldoon: I do not want government run health care. I do not want them making my decisions for me. I expect government to listen to me, not do whatever they want to forward an agenda. I have never seen such an egotistical, haughty group ~ Obama and Pelosi at the forefront.

Faviola Dewire: I don't think the government should run anything dealing with health-care because they are going to do something that is not going to help every person in America.

Dick Baumgarten: The Senate just had to privatize the senate restaurant. It was loosing close to $17 million a year.

Travis Colomb: Do me a Favor and investigate the Quality of health care that is provided by the VA and medicare! Now understand that no one will deny health care claims to those who have them? The government has no motive to jerk you around and deny your health care whereas the public companies have enormous motive to deny you health care! Think about it and PLEASE research!!

I! ra Porietis: I dont..1. Rationing and Denial of Care - Health plans authorized to impose restrictions on access to care according to “clinical appropriateness.” (Sec. 121)2. Political Appointees Decide - A health benefit advisory committee (political appointees) will decide what kind of benefits (medical treatments/practitioners/drugs) are and are not essential. The Secretary of HHS will implement the decision by rule. (Sec 122)3. Limited Choice of Insurance Plans - A new “Health Choices Commissioner” will rule over insurance options for all Americans, deciding what insurers are available. (Sec 142)4. Free Care to Non-Citizens? - An anti-discrimination section appears to allow the free provision of medical treatment to non-U.S. citizens. (Sec 152)5. Privacy Intrusions/National Patient ID Card - An electronic data system will be set up to access bank accounts for “real-time adjudication of claims” and to determine “whether the individual is eligible for a speci! fic service with a specific physician at a specific facility.â! € A “machine-readable health plan beneficiary identification card” â€" a national patient identification & tracking card â€" may be used. (Sec 155)6. End of Insurance Market - A government “Health Insurance Exchange” will be set up to establish federal control over the definition, amount, and type of insurance options available, and to eliminate a free and thriving market in health insurance. (Sec. 201)7. Forced Enrollment in Medicaid - All Medicaid-eligible individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. Individuals will be forced into Medicaid. (Sec 205)8. New Government Entitlement Program for All - A “Public Health Insurance Option” will be established to eliminate private health insurance and to build a national Medicarefor- all government health care plan. (Sec. 221)9. Coercive Funding - Physicians will be coerced into participation. Only if they agree to remain Medicare providers, will they be eligible for higher payments for any patients they se! e in the Medicare-for-all “public health insurance option” plan. (Sec 223).10. Employers and Employees Forced into System - Employers required to auto-enroll individuals into health insurance, unless the individual affirmatively opts out. Employers who refuse to offer health insurance will be taxed 2 - 8% on their payroll. The money will be deposited into the proposed Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund at the proposed Health Choices Administration. (Sec. 312-313)11. Tax on Uncooperative Individuals - People who do not have or buy “acceptable coverage” (per government definition) must pay 2.5% of their income to the government …unless they are a nonresident alien or can prove a religious exemption. (Sec. 401)12. Control over Physician Pay - Doctors seeing Medicaid patients will be paid the same rate regardless of specialty. In establishing payment, the Secretary will determine the value of the “time, mental effort, and professional judgment, technical skill and! physical effort and stress due to risk” involved with each service g! iven. (Sec 1121 â€" 1122)13. Hospital Monopolies - Physicians providing services at specialty cancer hospitals mayget paid less than physicians providing cancer care services at large general hospitals, regardless of patient preference, better care, or less exposure to disease for immunosuppressed patients. (Sec 1145)14. End of Life Counseling â€" Providers will be reimbursed for providing counseling on and directions for end-of-life decisions. HR 3200 includes suggestions for advanced directive orders, including specifics regarding intensity of medical intervention if the patient is pulse less, apneic, or has “serious cardiac or pulmonary problems.” (Sec. 1233)15. Government Intrusion â€" A Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) will be established to use private medical records without patient or physician consent to conduct patient and physician surveillance and research “with respect to the outcomes, effectiveness, and appropriateness of health care s! ervices and procedures….” (Sec 1401)16. Government Surveillance Databases and Networks â€" the Center for CER will encourage the development and use of patient registries and “clinical effectiveness research data networks,” to better tap into and track patients and their doctors. (Sec 1401)17. All Access to All Data - The Center for CER may secure private and other data on individuals “from any department or agency of the United States.” (Sec. 1401)18. Hidden Taxes in Higher Premiums - The Center for CER will be funded through a new Comparative Effectivness Research Trust Fund, paid for through fees on private insurersâ€"which are passed on to the insured in higher premiums. (Sec. 4375 - 4377)19. Unconstitutional Access - To hunt for “fraud, waste and abuse” (no definitions), all private medical records can be made available to the U.S. Attorney General. (Sec 1651)...Show more

Tana Dumoulin: No, but it beats private insurance any day. What we need is! socialized health care.

Dorethea Beaston: no I sure don't, and m! any others do not want it.

Jen Maday: I don't want it, but I'll take that over being forced to buy health insurance from a private company.

Rheba Cockman: Many brand new brothels and old ones under the same regulations are doing quite well. Could it be that the Mustang Ranch was so set in its ways that they could not adapt and the clients could not tolerate any change, even for the better? Just Goggle Nevada Brothels.And it is not going to be a govenment run health care. It is a NON-PROFIT public option Health Insurance. Right now the for profit industry of Health Insurance Companies and HMO's monopolize and do not want to compete with a non-profit public option. That would allow those who are of lower income or preexisting conditions to have coverage and they may have to lower their rates to compete with the Public Option and allow preexisting conditions, thereby reducing their profits. Another thing, they can save money by canceling policies or denying claims ! and with the Health Care Reform those practices will become illegal. People will not be going bankrupt during a long legal battle in the courts to get these companies to pay insurance claims and reinstate policies wrongfully denied and canceled. The "I don't want to pay for the uninsured health care" is not valid since everyone already does pay for the highest priced care of all-the emergency rooms-which is the only option for those without coverage. A lower cost coverage will reduce the use of expensive emergency room care and give money saving preventative health care. Before flu becomes pneumonia requiring hospitalization for example. 60% of bankruptcy is due to Medical Expenses and that includes people who were insured but their claims were denied. "It’s True! Health Insurers Tell Congress They Cancel Policies of Sick PatientsCategory: Laboratory News, Laboratory PathologyPublished: July 6 2009Rescinding health policies of 20,000 people in past five years saved health! insurers $300 millionFor years, Americans have heard news stories abou! t the sick patient whose health insurance policy was rescinded in the midst of a health crisis. Now comes public acknowledgementâ€"at a Congressional hearing no lessâ€"that this business practice exists!Executives from three of the nation’s largest health insurers admitted to this practice when testifying at a Congressional investigation recently. Observers believe the surprisingly candid acknowledgement about health insurance recessions pretty much guarantees insurers will be excluded from the health care reform debate. It may even ensure inclusion of a government health insurance plan in the final legislation which passes."How can anyone defend an Industry that promises coverage and takes peoples money while they are healthy then refuses to give coverage when they get ill? Profit by fruad?...Show more

Tom Romer: It's all government health care and it's the best in the world bar none. The last part is the problem. The Bar None! Metering by rank & not need. In the p! ublic sector it's no metering at all. First come doesn't mean first served . Top tech is not always available, because government issue comes right behind the private insured which is right behind the Cash Customer. Not many with cash these days, but the services are second to none! With cash deals are to be had! 1/4 of insurance charges....Show more

Manual Burtis: yes i,m sure and i don,t need to go to brothelsand you are whining on about something that happened over 10 years ago.and the bridge is not yours to sell.

Edmund Rappley: the biggest problem with our health care is third party payments. The government option doesn't solve this issue. People need to pay their own bills and stop expecting everyone else to pay for them.

Bruno Galasso: No.Medicaid is perfect example of what will happen to UHC, except UHC will be much larger and much more disastrous.Medicaid was so mishandled, it is now heavily rationed care. Let's not forget the mess the governmen! t made out of Social Security....Show more

Bruce Calise: yes I am! sure

Javier Holsonback: First of all, there is insurance for the poor.. it's called Medicaid. We also have insurance for the elderely, Medicare. We need insurance for employed Americans who make too much money for Medicaid and not enough to pay for insurance.Also, we need something for those who have pre-existing conditions thus no insurance will touch them.These are the people that need help! We don't need a complete overhaul of our healthcare system.I will be FREAKIN' PISSED if I lose my current healthcare. That's what I'm worried about....Show more

Deangelo Marchak: No, and the government can not run anything right.And boy am I very glad that we privatized our military a long time ago.

Antonette Shappy: In every place this type of system has been tried tenn hawaii and others I forget.. it has always failed. It cost the taxpayers millions and they got worse health care. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is off their rocker and simply has not loo! ked at the facts or refuses to believe them.In the long run it wont matter anyway because government already controls health care. years ago back when people were healthier our supermarkets were true markets. very little processed foods and lots of fresh meat veggies and fruit. Thats what made people healthy. Now it is the reverse. very little fresh meats veggies and fruits and tons of denatured over processed foods.. thats what we eat.. and the FDA tells us it's o.k. to live on this garbage. Then we go to the doctor and they give us drugs that harm our bodies more and set up a state of toxicity that further poisons us till we have more symptoms of more disease that they give us more drugs for.. this is your government.. the AMA. You see, its designed to keep us unhealthy. thats how insurance companies can make so much money on us. If all people started eating right their bodies would heal and opps.. there goes the insurance companies profits, the ama will go under, the ki! ck backs will stop. Study other healthier countries.. look at their hea! lth care system.. we are last in healthcare for a reason.. we are the only country that has a health care system set up to make money off of out misfortune....Show more

Aron Ramu: If Obama wants to insure more people, he can expand medicare and medicaid. There's no reason for another public program except as a stepping stone to a single payer health care system.

Nikita Schroepfer: Your information is incorrect and misleading. It is a myth that the government took over the running of the Mustang Ranch in1999. That actually happened in November 1990. George HW Bush was president.The IRS tried to run it and failed. The ranch was actually shut down in 1999, when Bill Clinton was in office. The government tried for two decades to shut it down. But then again the truth is completely irrelevant, isn't it?...Show more

Ninfa Aronica: As an Australian who has lived for many years in a country with a free public health system, I am amazed that a country such as the U! SA has such primitive social inequity in it's health system. For the poorer people it's no better than living in a third world country. I also find all the "sky is falling" hype over establishing a public system very amusing. Many Americans are running around like chicken little believing all the hype that gets stirred up, but not taking the time to look at similar models around the world. Granted, no system is perfect, and we have had our problems, but nothing like the problems that America has with it's current system.Those who want private care and more control can still choose to have private health insurance (we do). But those that cannot afford it can have all hospital care (including surgeries, cancer treatments etc) given free of charge. Now please explain to me what is bad about that ?...Show more

Mel Crapo: FIRST OF ALL, THERE WILL BE NO NATIONALIZATION OF HEALTH CARE![I go to the Dallas VA Medical Center and the government doesn’t even run THAT! Doctor! s do.]There is NO "OBAMA CARE" The plan[s] are being built by congress.! The ONLY THING THE GOVERNMENT WANTS TO DO IS ADD AN OPTION:NON-PROFIT INSURANCE FOR THE POOR & UNEMPLOYEDThere are 45 million Americans who have NO health care options except Emergency Rooms!The USA is 37TH in HEALTH CARE!These are NOT my idea of the best!THE WORST POSSIBLE CHOICE IS TO DO NOTHING!Health care costs are:Increasing 2-3 times faster than wagesCurrently eating up 18% of our money AND, WILL DESTROY OUR ECONOMY UNLESS WE FIX IT!Want to know WHO DOESN’T want ANY CHANGE?THE INSURANCE COMPANIES!THEY EAT 40% OF EVERY HEALTH CARE DOLLAR.For what we are already paying, WE COULD INSURE EVERY MAN, WOMAN & CHILD IN AMERICA WITH ZERO DEDUCTIBLE, ZERO COPAY COVERAGE!OK, SO HOW WILL THEY PAY FOR IT?>DRUG DISCOUNTS>ELIMINATING WASTE>LOCKING UP PEOPLE WHO COMMIT FRAUD>CONCENTRATING ON PREVENTATIVE CARE[Currently, the only option for the poor is the E.R. at county hospitals and that’s THE MOST EXPENSIVE CARE THERE IS!]To find the truth,! k/To report the lies, more

Corey Rohleder: Did you really think a WHORE HOUSE would be something GEORGE W BUSH wanted to Flourish? My, you are lost, aren't you.?

Ronny Nowzari: I remember a hurricane called katrina. Not only did their city government fail us, but so did our government. Our own people didn't get any help out of the snake infested, sewer flooded waters for days. Temporary trailers were sent to help those who needed shelter, and they never seen the inside of one. You ask, how does this compare to health care?You say, "that happened on bush's watch", yes it did. But understand this; the government is the government no matter how you look at the coin.My question to those out there that think government sponsored, subsidized (or whatever you want to call it) health care is the best thing since sliced you really believe if they couldn't handle a natural disaster...what makes you think th! ey can handle our health care system?...Show more

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