Thursday, August 6, 2020

Classical conditioning in commercials help?

Fermin Tara: Classical Conditioning in Advertising Classical Conditioning is defined as "a type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus"(Weiten). It is a very effective tool for advertising and is used in many different forms of advertising. By just turning on the television and watching a few commercials you are sure to see quite a few examples of Classical Conditioning. One of these examples is a commercial done by Mikes Hard Lemonade. In this commercial it starts off a doctor testing a patient with an ultra sound machine. Inside his stomach you see some kind of snake or monster. The doctor says he does not have long to live so they both go out and buy a Mikes Hard Lemonade. The slogan they use is "A Hard Day calls for a Mikes Hard Lemonade". This is effective by linking the thought of a hard day to the idea of drinking a Mikes Hard Lemonade. It is probably aimed toward a younger audience 2! 1-26 but could reach any age group. I would and do buThen it shows him standing on top of the world. It is trying to associate being young and cool with drinking Diet Pepsi. It tries to associate Starbucks with being on top of the world and being energized. It is a very effective tool for advertisers and has been used extensively. It shows a middle-aged man riding on a Harley to the song "Born to be Wild" and then shows that he was just fantasizing and that he's really on a bus. It's aimed at a young audience and wants to be seen as a tough and cool thing to drive. It states that " you can do anything in a Nissan". It shows a guy walking through mud and he looks very tired, then he drinks a Starbucks Double shot and he starts running with a lot of energy with flowers popping up out of the mud. But maybe I'm just easily swayed by Classical Conditioning Another interesting example of Classical conditioning is used in a Diet Pepsi commercial. I think this commercial is aimed a! t a younger audience and is fairly effective. It is very helpf! ul for them to tie their product to some other emotion or thought so that hopefully when someone thinks of something the thought of their product also comes to mind. Starbucks also uses classical conditioning in one of their commercials however I do not find it very effective. I don't think its very effective but maybe older viewers would like to feel that by drinking Diet Pepsi they can have the feeling of being young and free like the guy's fantasy of riding a motorcycle. There motto is "Think Young" and is meant for a older audience....Show more

Rena Pepe: For the best answers, search on this site don't have examples, but I have read that headache commercials leave a certain percentage of people feeling as if they have a headache. I know it sounds like a joke but I read it in Science News.

Gaynell Pizzaro: This Site Might Help You.RE:Classical conditioning in commercials help?Hi could someone please give me some examples of classica! l conditioning in television commercials. I also need to identify the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response. I don't have a t.v. and I cannot do an alternate assignment, so I......Show more

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