Friday, August 14, 2020

why is boehner opposed to condoms?

Dorethea Beaston: Too bad your father was opposed to condoms...

Antonette Shappy: That's between him and his wife I suppose....

Sang Hanafin: There wouldn't be anymore little boneheads if he wore socks when he went swimming.

Johnnie Pummill: Apparently, some religious nuts think that the availability of condoms will promote promiscuity. Little do they know that there are plenty of married couples who use condoms. But as far as the Catholics as concerned, as the Monty Python song goes, "Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good. If a sperm gets wasted, God gets quite irate.":)

Caleb Chapman: It's not about condoms. It's about the sort of prescription birth control that a woman gets from a doctor. .

Shad Bushweller: the catholic bishops should be focused on their pedophile priest problems instead of condoms

Douglass Sarley: catholic hospitals were not forced to provide health insurance. they have been offering it for years

Cherlyn ! Tefera: He's under immense pressure to conform to stupid Republican talking points.When all is said and done, whether or not to use contraception is an individual choice, as it should be. The idea that an employer could determine your personal and private actions by blocking insurance access to contraception is really outrageous and very un-American.Most American voters, including Catholics, are supportive of the idea of birth control.When the Catholic bishops talk, they talk on behalf of the 350 US bishops. They don’t speak for 68 million Catholics. Ninety-eight percent of Catholic women in the United States have used a form of birth control of which the bishops don’t approve. It’s clear what’s going on here. The bishops want to run church and schools, often while taking federal money, but they don’t want to have to follow the same rules everybody else does. They should butt out and let individuals make their own choices.Once more, Republicans are lashing ! out against women’s health, and it’s a huge political mist! ake for them.##...Show more

Marjory Stromme: Because he is Catholic, and I am sure you know the Catholic view on birth control.

Virgil Menefee: The owners of "itzy-bitzy" just have problems with them.

Luana Carothers: The rules, he added, would require faith-based employers, including Catholic charities, schools, universities, and hospitals, to include in their employee health insurance certain services they deem to be immoral, such as sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception.contraception. condoms are a form of contraception....Show more

Matt Tiry: The Catholic Church will not advocate the use of birth control. The government is trying to, unconstitutionally, force them to cover their insured to obtain birth control - which is advocating it. I know its a long article, but you should really read it**Add: Your last comment is just plain ignorant and full of hate....Show more

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