Wednesday, May 20, 2020

algebra 1 homework help! (9th grade)?

Dedra Furguson: Hi there...Do not get too worried about the fraction. It is all still the same idea. From the looks of the questions, these problems are related to PEMDAS.So lets start the first question.1) Parenthesis: none so we skip this process Expnonents: 2^3 = 8 Multiplication: 2/3 * 3 = 2 Division: None now since we cancelled the 3's Addition: None either so we skip Subtraction: (The simplified equation towards this process should look as follows) 8 - 2 - 5 = ?All we do is subtract 8 - 7 = 1...Final answer2) P: (3 * 20) = 60 E: None so we skip M: -4/5 * 60 = - 48 D, A: Skip S: -48 - 17 = -65....Final AnswerFor the next homework, just substitute the value of 1/3 to t1) 2^(1/3) = cuberoot(2) = 1.2599This problem represents cube roots. Its like x * root(y) where x is 3 and y = 2 on a regular scientific calculator.2) 3 * 18(1/3) = 18 Note that on this one 3 * (1/3) = 3/3 = 1. So you just have 1 * 18 = 18Hope this helps......Show more!

Valentine Michaud: all right. first thing you have to remember is PEMDAS. which mean Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Additon/Subtraction. On the first one, you do two to the third first so 2*2*2=8. so remember eight. now the problem says 8-2/3*3-5. for the divide by three times three, think of it as a way of them cancelling each other out. so you are left with 8-2-5=1.second one. parenthesis first. three times twenty is sixty. so to multiply the fraction to it, you do -4*60 for the numerator and 5*1 for the denomenator. you would have -240/5 which reduces to -48. -48-17 is like -48+(-17) which is -68.the third one is a little tricky to me. I cant get the exponent one right away. ill look it up after i get the one under it for you. 3*18*(1/3)=57/3 which equals 18. for the exponent one, im sorry i cant give you a straight answer on it. i hope i help with the rest though...Show more

Jesse Pirieda: just like 2² is 2*22³ is written out as 2*2*2so ! 2*2=44*2=8so 2³=8-2/3*3-5=order of operations multiply first-! 2/3*3you get -6/3 which reduces to -2-2 - 5 = -7-4/5 (3*20) - 17once again, order of operationsparentheses first, 3*20=60then multiplication, the parentheses act like a multiplication sign so-4/5*60=-240/5-240/5 reduces to -48for tonight's homework,when you have something like this, you just substitute in the number that they give you which for t is 1/32^t becomes 2^1/3when you have a denominator in your power, it means its rooted to that numberso 2^1/3 is ³√2and the next one would be 3*18*1/3when you have multiples of one kind of operation, you go from left to rightso 3*18 would be 54then 54*1/3 = 54/3which reduces back to 18the order of operations in order isParenthesesExponentsMultiplicationDivisionAdditionSubtractionsome people use the little saying Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally to remember the order of operations(^ is used to mean "to the power of")...Show more

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