Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What is preschool good for?

Virgil Loatman: It prepares kids for kindergarten. It's not a necessity but there's really no harm in it as long as you're still interacting with your child.

Jeannine Vassie: Preschool benefits toddlers starting at the age of 3. We are blessed to have energized teachers out there who are willing to sit down with these toddlers and teach them the basics to move on to kinder. It's amazing how they learn so much in a year. They learn colors, numbers, abc's, and they build up their vocabulary as well as learn other languages while surrounded by other children. Preschool is good for toddlers and even though it is NOT necessary, its an opportunity for these children to get a head start and learn at a very young age. Not to mention they become more successful in the future....Show more

Rodrigo Pezley: It could help them with their social skills and how to interact with other children and how to act in a classroom. It can teach them behavior and just prepare them fo! r school and besides they learn more than just staying home watching tv.

Timmy Bustard: Teaches youngsters to interact with other children appropiately and gets them ready for the transition from home to school.

Wally Perrien: Pre-school is a crucial time for ages 0-5. The child's brain is like a sponge - easily absorbs information including languages, numbers and letters.Your child will also benefit from gaining social skills.For tips on what to look for in a pre-school, please see this site; On the contrary, if you can take your child to a playgroup twice a week and EFFECTIVELY home school him, you may be on to something. To find out if home schooling is for you; more

Marion Wieboldt: PreSchool Is Good For Kids.They Learn How To Color And How To Talk And For Good Manners

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