Thursday, July 30, 2020

Why animals should keep in zoo for human recreation?? Are we God of them?

Ramon Dahlheimer: Habitat destruction is happening at such an alarming rate that zoos may be the ONLY place animals are safe in the future.

Oscar Wieland: Nope but just possible as a human being. We can all stick to the way nature intended, but how many ppl will do the same. Try not to be too polar in ur views cause Other ppl might not do the same. The reason we have zoo is so ppl and their children can see animals and understand them in a safe and real life way.Let me cite an example:Flushing the toilet wastes water and toilet paper clogs pipes and is environmentally wasteful to produce. Does this mean we have to **** at ur gardens so that the plants can benefit from our nutrients and we use leaves to wipe our butts? Why did we take the place the plants can grow and build toilets? They are living things too.. Are we gods?...Show more

Bettye Arre: no...we did not create them or the world they live

Zelma Casebier: if we let all the animals out of zoo's th! ey would DIE. they wouldn't' be able to survive in the wild. a lot of zoos have endangered species and special breeding programmes... to SAVE animals from extinction. the panda bear would be extinct... they can't surive in the wild. if you do not agree with zoos you are free to NOT VISIT THEM

Carlton Lastrapes: No....we're just lazy. It's for our benefit; not theirs. But that's also unfair. There ARE those zoos that manage to save the species....but for the most part, I think it's so we can get a real good close look at the animal without being inconvenienced by having to be in their natural environment and vulnerable.

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