Monday, July 27, 2020

(5 stars) Can I only play video games on a gaming PC?

Timmy Bustard:

Jesse Pirieda: as long as the pc has the minimum requirermetns. Just look on the box, if there is no box then look at the manual, if you have no manual look at the wiki, and if there is no wiki just install it and find out.

Clemmie Burkleo: A PC is a PC.There are games that will run on any PC but more modern games, like COD, require a more powerful graphics card and more RAM. Some PC makers keep their prices down by using cheaper, and less powerful, parts. This is especially true for the graphics processor. That is why you should keep in mind what you are going to use the PC for when you buy one (or build one.) Desktop PCs can be fairly easily upgraded but with a laptop, the only way to upgrade is to buy a whole new laptop.In many ways, PCs are like cars. All PCs have a common set of parts: processor, RAM, graphics card, hard drive. All cars also have a common set of parts: tires, brakes, engine..! . However I think you'd agree there's a big difference between a racing car, and a minivan. While both are "cars", it'd be difficult to win any races with a minivan...or do your grocery shopping with a race car!A PC is much the same. It can be built as a race car (think: specialized graphic design workstation) or as a minivan (family PC.) A gaming PC, then, puts the tires and engines of a race car....on a minivan. Vroom vroom!...Show more

Ginny Trickett: You can play video games on any normal pc. As long as the pc meets the minimum requirements the game needs then yes you can play it. However you may not be able to play the game at full graphics setting without experiencing latency issues. Also, it depends on what game you play. Older games might not always be compatible with the most current operating system. Some games you can tweak a little so they can be played others will crash or won't even start. Gaming pc's are meant to play games at max settings without! latency issues. However you can still play video games on a n! ormal pc depending on how advanced it is, and how advanced the game is. If you have a 2010 pc and want to buy let's say skyrim for pc, it would startup and play but you would have to use the lowest graphics setting and even then it might have latency problems....Show more

Alberto Kozub: You can play a PC on pretty much any modern PC, but if its not high end, the quality will not be very good.

Oscar Wieland: use an emulator

Dale Mccoun: There are gaming consoles... like Playstation, xbox, nintendo.

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