Saturday, July 25, 2020

cute football crafts for girls...?

Stevie Goldey: This Site Might Help You.RE:cute football crafts for girls...?cute football crafts for girls and cute accessorizes for girls for little kid football games???thanks...Show more

Erica Bottaro: if any girls easily try any football she can cute football crafts for girls

Soraya Coodey: If you are cheering on your little kid in a league you could take an 8oz. water bottle, drink it fill it with beads (team colors work well.) maybe get a picture of the team logo and tape it on there, put the cap back on and voala you have a little noise maker for when your kid puts it in the endzone

Anibal Katayama: gd question :)

Stanton Valdivia: A football purse made of felt with yarn or ribbon for the strap and fabric paint to decorate the football shaped purse. (white dashes like on ball, team name.)Same felt and paint made into earrings. Glue onto an earring part from the craft store.Football shaped picture frame. Felt cut in a football shape and then! glued onto same shape of cardboard with stand.Have fun!...Show more

Claudio Drullard: nice question & answer

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