Wednesday, July 1, 2020

She wants a divorce?

Dionna Doyel: He doesn't need to sign anything for a divorce. He will need to be served but that's a simple process. About the only thing worse than divorce is a divorce when there are children involved.

Hilton Paiva: she can always get the divorce whether he signs or not. chin up girlfriend...kick his cheatin *** to the curb...he will notice what he had and lost to another man who will treat her with the upmost respect and dignity.

Myriam Hetjonk: Yes, this is a very sad situation. He sounds like he might have a sex/love addiction. I have referenced a source that is a health-based recovery workshop that may help him and his wife.

Johnny Sirko: she can still file for divorce but it will be more difficult because it's not one based on mutual consent.. so she'll have to prove that he's been cheatingo n her.

Cierra Gadbaw: Her husband is a jerk and she's doing the right thing by leaving.

Blair Abdi: yea im shure if you let him know youll be ! seeing other guys and dont want him around he will come around

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