Saturday, July 18, 2020

Period at amusement park?

Booker Warlick: well, if you choose to use tampons, you should get the super absorbency. That way, you won't have to be afraid of leakage and can leave it for a few hours. If you choose to use pads, get the overnight, which are heavy, and designed to prevent leakage overnight, or a maxi regular pad. Some Always Infinity can be thin, and although are more Hygiene efficient, may cause you to leak. Don't worry. I'm not sure if they will search your bag, but if you choose tampons, they are easy to conceal in a small pocket in a purse/bag. this can be the same with the pad. periods are natural. get a thicker, long pad, that will prevent leakage and help you make the ride to the amusement park without any mess. perhaps once you make it to the park, pack a less thick pad that will make you more comfortable and will not leave the big pad imprint in your pants (embarrassing). for Your flow, pack a couple of the less thick pads. once at the park, you can change your pad more freque! ntly. My flow is only heavy for the first day or so, if you're really worried about leakage, wear an extra set of bottoms. If you plan to get in water, tampons are definitely the way to go. Good luck...Show more

Joel Feagler: Pack the biggest tampons you have along with pads. Before the trip, go to the bathroom and put a tampon in and a pad. Change them both every two hours if possible. If not, change them both as often as you can. Wear dark shorts over the bottom of your swim suit. You should be fine. Try to get dark red shorts if you can.

Alma Twomey: I've been using something really cool that would would be perfect for this. Go buy softcups. They're a flexible menstrual cup that you can wear up to 12 hours. Since they just catch the blood instead of absorbing it, you can leave it in longer, there's no risk of TSS, and they even sell reusable ones. I personally like the disposable ones, and if you pack an extra, it doesn't look like a Tampon or a pad, so no on! e would recognize it and know you have your period. Go to soft! cup.con to read about them and find a store near you that sells them :)...Show more

Bob Pucella: Why do you only have tampons or pads? Why do you only have commercial tampons or pads?If you just want to use tampons and pads then that's your choice but I would recommend that you consider options like menstrual cups - internal like tampons but FAR safer and more hygienic so can be worn safely for 12 hours and with any flow without risk of TSS or infections. Cups can lessen cramps and flow compared with tampons, also cups are better for heavy flow as they hold more flow than tampons and pads combined and have light suction so don't leak like tampons or pads.If you are sticking to tampons and pads I highly recommend next time not to buy commercial brands like these - e.g. Tampax, Always, Kotex - these are made from chemically treated and bleached synthetics so pose FAR higher risk of TSS and vaginal infections, these also contain dioxin which can have long-term health ris! ks. Use cotton brands such as Cottons or Natracare instead, or with pads consider cloth pads like Lunapads or Party In My Pants which are more hygienic. For now take what you think you need - you know your period better than us! Take a few pads and a few tampons, how heavy your flow is going to be on the day determines what absorbency you will need, with pads it'll be fine to use higher absorbency even if your flow is light but with tampons you have to use the lowest possible absorbency for your flow. This is why it's advised not to use tampons until you've had at least six regular periods so you know your flow pattern well enough to know what absorbency to use, it's best for now to use the light absorbency tampons and higher absorbency pads, just be sure to change every 4-6 hours. No one will search your bag, even if they did - so what? No one is going to start opening-up your cosmetics bag and pulling out your sanitary products, no one would be so cruel to a young girl as! to display something privet like that in public, but they're just sani! tary products so nothing to be ashamed of....Show more

Jonelle Eligio: If I were you. I would take a small backpack or a fanny pack, have Midol pills encase my period becomes painful. I would have overnight pads and I use Playtex Sport Super or Super+ tampons, I love them. I would wear the tampon and a pad on the way there since you say you have a heavy flow and can bleed through in a short amount of time. Then go to the bathroom and just change them when you get there. Just keep changing them when you need to. Keep them in a zip-lock baggy so water doesn't soak through to them. Maybe bring extra underwear just encase. You never know what could happen, and my dad taught me to be prepared for anything.If anyone searches your bag they wont care because they have seen it all before. If you are able to and want to put your backpack or whatever you take into a locker at the amusement park, then have some tampons in your pockets. I hope this helps, and have fun :)...Show mo! re

Sherrill Botting: Good lord you could start your own store!but on the question side, the drybox idea is a really good idea!you are 13 so Don't use tampons, especially if you have never used them before, they are uncomfortable, don't soak up that much, you can get toxic shock syndrome and should only be used by girls that have a broken hymen already. (sexually active)... this is not something you want to trial on a school outing!!you said you use always infinity overnight and it last about 1.5 hours .... then use these for the whole day.. 1 just before you get on the bus, 1 just after you get off. set you watch or phone alarm to go off every1/2 hour or so and find the nearest toilet and change, let everyone know you have an upset tummy this covers up for the toilet breaks and hopefully your friend will not push you to go on any rides, if they know you WILL throw up on's probably not advisable to go on most rides anyway because you uterus is ripping itsel! f apart, you don't need to help it rip faster... more pain and more blo! od.make sure you take painkillers as well.wear black pants so if anything happens it is harder to see and don't forget to take a few changes of undies, no point in using a new pad if you need new undies as well ={good luck and take few extra than you think you will need, one of your girlfriends just might find herself in the same situation and be ever grate-full for your help!...Show more

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