Thursday, July 23, 2020

is there any more help for gambling addiction besides meetings?

Majorie Chester: ya meetings didnt do anything for me either - the problem is family and friends mean well - but gambling isnt really a disease like other addictions and most addictions arent diseases some have a chemical dependency - gambling does NOT gambling is always a player WANTS to - either action, money, both, escaping reality and maybe a few other reasons having someone truly explain the odds in a casino game if you are addicted to lottery or slots or table games can really open your eyes - the house edge is so big - you truly can not do these for a living and or expect to hit it big- if you are addicted to games that ARE beatable like Blackjack or Sports betting or Poker - you just need to ask yourself is chasing a dream worth it - while these games are beatable its the 1% that beats them. Now we all want to accomplish greatness but this road has a high risk and most fail. the more people you have dependent upon you should weigh heavily -! if your a kid with no spouse or kids dependent on you, I will give more latitude in terms of chasing your gambling dreams, but if you have people dependent on you - you need to make an adult decision - personal responsibility is EVERYTHING - YES the choice is yours, but I would suggest that if you have a spouse or kids, you also have to consider their feelings also, gambling is a narrow road with little middle ground between Big Dreams and Heartbreak and the Falls can be great, and while maybe you can handle it, other people in your life maybe cant or don't deserve to go through it because they are not affected by gambling and the appeal isn't there for them to risk it all for the small chance of winning it all!!!! Meetings can only help but they aren't the whole solution- your right - they occupy your time- they give you people that have been through the same stuff - they aren't judgmental - but they treat you like a child, its never your fault, your hav! e a disease, which I dont agree with - its never a bad thi! ng to admit its ALL your fault when it is, and most gamblers its TOTALLY our fault because we risk everything and more than money for a dream and an opportunity!!!!Good luck to you :)...Show more

Libby Berkovitch: Crime doesn't pay. Seriously! Look how much you had to pay for your sister's stupidity. The problem here is that you are taking on what belongs to your parents. It's their problem; not yours. You didn't run up the gambling debt. Your Mum did. You didn't lose the family car; your Dad did. You didn't do the stealing; your sister did. It's not your problem so get that part straight. Stop looking at all the negative things happening and start looking at the positive things. You just graduated from school! Congratulations! Some kids never get that far. You might not be able to get into the Army because of a medical problem you didn't know you had. Be grateful that because of your interest in the Military you now know of the problem and can take care of it. You ca! n't find a job, not yet. It takes anywhere from 3-6 months for the average job seeker to find the job that's suited for him. You've probably only given it a half a try. Try harder. Make getting a job your job. Each day prepare yourself for your job search and dress appropriately. Have your resume with you and fill out as many job applications as you can. Tell family members and friends about your job search. Place ads. Remember: You are not in debt. Your parents are. Once you leave home, the bills will still keep coming only they will have to pay them, not you. Just remember to be thankful for the good things you do have and concentrate on them. Everyone has some negative things going on today in their lives. Stay focused and busy. My best to you!...Show more

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