Tuesday, July 7, 2020

is beer good for mustles ?

Fred Caminita: lots of sex

Gene Debell: people always assume the worst.I'm not asking about proper nutrition, I'm asking about how weightloss works, specifically when on low-calorie diets.

Brian Marquina: beer is excellent for muscles. try combining your drinking with eating nachos chjips and crisps

Leticia Laiben: Provided all systems are functioning normally... YES. "Calories in" less than "Calories out" will give you weight loss. Even if it was 1000 calories of birthday cake every day.HOWEVER... with chronic poor nutrition, the system can change and stop functioning "normally." Cortisol levels rise, thyroid hormone levels can get wonky, metabolic rates change, frequency and consistency of bowel movements changes, testosterone levels can fall, etc. (not to mention the lack of energy, etc. associated with poor nutrition.)So ideally, to lose weight in a healthy way, one will reduce caloric intake moderately AND eat a well rounded diet....Show more

Omar Phipps: Drink up, big boy! Get them "mustles" growing!!!

Darnell Cutliff: Beer is not good for your body.

Toshiko Reimers: I have recently joined a site called Spark People. It's free to join and they give you all kinds of exercising tips. Here is the address: http://www.sparkpeople.com/index.aspYou can create your own profile to track weight loss and activity. Hope this helps.

Corrinne Ruozzo: what are mustles??? beer is good for beer guts though,lol

Sammy Tabatt: arnold swartz drank beer in his diet

Marty Tichnell: How old are you? How do you not know anything about proper nutrition? No, it would be very different if you only ate junk food and never ate anything healthy for you. Healthy foods do not convert straight to fat on the body, they obviously do many things, keep your heart pumping (potassium) keep your female organs healthy (folic acid) prevent you from getting scurvy, citrus & fresh fruits, and on and on, etc. etc.. Yo! u need to do some research on this topic.

Mayola Sylva: ! im getting married in a month and i would like to look my best. i work at subway so i eat healthy and regularly. im 5'4 wieght 140 and my measurements are 34, 28, 39. im big boned but im mostly muscle. i just have a layer of fat every where. does any one know of a good work out plan that i could do everyday to help me slim up?

Oscar Waddups: There is such a thing as beer muscles.. a lot of people drink beer while excercising to make their muscles look bigger and more defined.. they are fake muscles though. i wouldnt recomend it.

Coleman Senn: people always assume the worst.I'm not asking about proper nutrition, I'm asking about how weightloss works, specifically when on low-calorie diets.

Dick Baumgarten: There is no such thing as spot reducing so forget it. The fat comes off the entire body at the same time. But the reason fat is still visible around the stomach and hips area is because that is where it accumulates the most on a woman. So for everyone ! the last place where fat is visible is around the stomach area.You simply have to keep doing the same thing... that is cutting out fats and junk food and working out at high intensity a few times per week.When you body fat % is down around 12 % you will start to see your abs.http://www.caloriecountercharts.com/chart1a.htmGood luck....Show more

Cuc Gire: mustles ??? lolollolololo it;s muscles !!! beer is very fattening ...so if u see a beer gut than u know why !

Elden Dedon: It's good for that muscle around your midsection--really makes it grow!

Natalya Sydney: This is a question that many people have and it's really common. I've managed to lose a lot of fat in my legs and they are nice a toned. I just can't get rid of the fat in my middle. I'm so sick of it! I understand that just doing crunches and stuff doesn't cut it. Even if you have nice abs you could still have that layer of fat on top. What exercises can I do to get rid of that layer of fat on top?! I want it gone by spring time so when I go shopping I can fit into sma! ller clothes. Any advice that's worked for you would be helpful. And I'm a woman I don't know if that makes a difference....Show more

Francisco Schonhardt: No; and it's not any good for MUSCLES either. (or brain cells, apparently)

Kandi Lough: No never it will loosen,gradually making it hang,unless if you exercise vigorously daily

Erica Bottaro: Run super fast for 1 minute, than walk for 30 seconds, then run super fast for 1 minute, repeat as many times as you think necessary

Brice Greczkowski: There is a plan worked out by the Canadian Air Force that you can do at home. The situps are especially good for thighs and tummy. Go the following web site. it is free for anyone. you can download the plan as a booklet. http://www.interactive-xbx.com/

Lady Laflin: It's bad for spelling.

Clement Viscarro: It wouldnt be smart, because you need protein, carbohydrates, etc. Id eat somewhat healthy, but hey you can have a pop tart or some pizza everyno! w and then. It wouldnt be good for you if you ate like that all the time, your energy would be at a bare minimun, and losing weight would still be hard.

Saran Stealy: Drinking beer will make you THINK your muscles are so big that you can kick anyone's butt. Unfortunately though, it is nothing but your head that is getting any bigger. It is very dissapointing that alchohol is glamorized in these types of ways.Directly answering your question, alchohol can have a similar effect on the muscles as steroids (the tearing of tissue so that it grows back stronger), which can produce serious negative effects in the long run. Some alchoholics live lives of nothing but hard labor during their alchoholic spiral, only to find themselves 20 or 30 years later too weak to mow a yard because of the deterioration of their body from alchohol abuse.I hope you find a better way to improve your muscle mass than through the use of drugs or alchohol. You will be thankful for those kinds of d! ecisions later on....Show more

Reginald Maxi: beer isn't good for! anything except impairing your judgement bla bla making u drunk

Branden Round: ok, I've heard this question often and I don't know how to answer it.I am not planning on this type of diet for myself, so don't bother with the judgemental answers, I'm just trying to learn more about low-calorie diets. from what I understand, people always say "eat below 1200 calories: fresh fruit and veg, whole grains, lean meats, etc"but if I were to eat poptarts, pizza, soda, potato chips, etc, but STAY BELOW 1200 calories, and considering I already go to the gym about 2 hours a day and burn at least 400-500 calories, wouldn't I still lose weight?low-calorie diets don't make any sense, because I could eat 1200 calories worth of birthday cake everyday for the rest of my life, I wouldn't lose weight, would I?...Show more

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