Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What's a "biased" source? Anything that disproves a Liberal?  

What's a "biased" source? Anything that disproves a Liberal?  

answers 0:Are nobel-prizewinning economists "biased?"Was David Ricardo "biased?"Are the sources cited by the supposedly "biased" sources also "biased?"Is the Census Bureau "biased?"The vast majority of immigrants, legal and illegal combined, are poor, unskilled and have no health insurance. We import a million of them per year. And once here, they have babies. That is what is driving the ranks of the poor and the ranks of the uninsured upward. It is also the reason that median family income growth seems slow relative to past recoveries - that plus the fact that the decline during the short-lived recession wasn't that large to begin with.In fact in most respects the impact of our importing poverty is >100% of the net increase - people are moving up, including the poor immigrants themselves - just being replaced by NEW poor immigrants!Let them stay, but ! STOP the lies about "millions of Americans" out there "falling behind" or "losing their health insurance."...Show moreanswers 1:I've yet to see you link to the Census Bureau report that you claim supports your theory. Regardless, according to your links, immigrants accounted for 26% of the uninsured in 2003, leaving over 33 million uninsured non-immigrants. Is that somehow an acceptable figure for you, or were you hoping to mask it by throwing out your figures? Did you notice that your reports (BTW, dispite their claim, CIS is not a non-partisan source) do nothing to actual disprove the fact (Also cited in your figures) that the share of wealth held by the lower classes is shrinking?...answers 2:plenty of liberal biased media alsoI know my BS sifter works over-time these daysanswers 3: 4:Think objectively, for yourself...and you'll have your answer.answers 5:I would say that any source which pimped the Iraq War ba! ck in 2002 and early 2003 - or repeated Bush's WMD lies - is n! ot a credible source of news. Because, who knows what other administration bullsh!t they are carrying today?answers 6:Bias is easy to spot. Just look at our Liberal media. CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC and CNN all like to refer to George Bush as Mr. Bush. Anytime they refer to Bill Clinton, he is always called President Clinton. How about that for bias? As for the illegals, yes they are poor and they will continue to be poor. They are unskilled, uneducated, and poop out a new baby every10 months or so. The U.S. taxpayers have to pay for it all and then the government wonders why we are pissed off?...answers 7:! 8:Ah but Stiggo they account for about 86% of the GROWTH of the uninsured - and keep in mind that the child of an immigrant is considered "native born" and that native-born adults without health insurance are also reproducing...In short, the so-called "crisis" is the INCREASE in uninsured "Americans" over the last 10-15 years but almost all of that increase is caused by the same thing that's causing the poverty numbers to persist despite the strong economy - - - - we import a million poor, uninsured people every YEAR.The REST of us are doing FINE.Even most of THEM are doing fine - once they've been here for a while. But they're still poor the first few years they're here and THAT skews the poverty, uninsured and median income numbers....answers 9:! ls/downsize/21cox.htm...! f 10:Just the opposite and I'll simplify.Most recognizably at this point, a biased source is anything and/or one who supports Hillary.answers 11:We're moving up. So much so that poor people come here so that they too can move up. They are poor not because of the market-oriented economic policies here but because of the anti-market-oriented policies in their countries of origin. Our free market policies and the mobility they produce are why these people COME here to begin with. The influx of poor people COMING here in a given year is more than the number of people moving up - - - - hence a slight net increase in the number of poor people. But importing poor people is not the same thing as making them out of middle class people, which is NOT what is h! appening.STOP THE LIES....answers 12:This is "one study?" Really? Hmmmm, doesn't look that way.answers 13: 14:well the poor have health insurance... medicaid...even the illegals, if you're up on your "republican rhetoric"it's this "middle ground"... those earning too much to be poor, but not enough to afford insurance...if you have been working over the past 8 years... you've clearly noticed the tremendous increase in insurance costs... and it's no secret that more and more companies are dropping insurance...and if you increase costs by a large amount, basic economics is fewer people will be able to afford the service... this isn't rocket scienceI read the paper... I have a job where I pay part of my insurance... this stuff isn't a secret... even Fox News reports on it...or is all of that just bias?and most of your cites are either opinion pieces or actual news stories that say the rich are getting richer? no! one is arguing about the rich getting richer...EDIT: IT'S ONE NEW STUD! Y... do you know what a study is? is one study undeniable fact? and even it says it's only responsible for an 8 percent increase over 10 years? the overall increase has been more than that...EDIT2:you've got studies and they are all focused on 10 different things some that seem to say this one study says SOME OF WHAT YOUR SAYING is true... and some that bring some of what you're saying into question...your cites are totally unorganized and say 10 different things... in 10 different directions... some of which doesn't even support what you say?DID you read any of these... the last one refutes you?"But the total number of native citizens so greatly surpasses the number of illegals that "there are simply too few non-citizens to dominate the overall trends."that's disproving you?EDIT3: and the second one from the bottom still says it's growing, just not a a huge rate for one particular year?...

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