Thursday, July 16, 2020

If I go vegan will I...?

Violette Vanek: some people lose a lot of weight; some people don't see much of a difference, it all depends on your own body. Being vegan can be either healthy or harmful. It's important to make sure you are receiving vitamins (A,D,B12, etc....), calcium, omega-3, protein, iron... I recommend seeing a nutritionist so you know what nutrients your body needs and where to find them....Show more

Russel Gajate: Yes, you will be much healthier as well. It tends to cut harsh chemicals from the things that you eat. Tofu is alot less fattening than meat. Vegetables are natural metabolism burners as well. You just have to watch the amount of nutrients you are getting. Go to GNC and get some vitamins, and a vegan protein drink. They have vitamins specifially for vegans. I like the protein shakes, because then you will know for sure that you are getting enough aside from your diet. They will also help you on any exercise routine....Show more

King Bringle: if you're wanti! ng to become a vegan to loose weight, then just don't do it. you people make us fat vegans look bad

Lavelle Viveiros: Yes, you will lose weight if you choose to be a vegan. You would be able to live longer since you are making a healthy choice. Did you know that becoming a vegan will satisfy nutritional needs, and offer protection against heat disease, cancer, etc? If only more people in this world would eat vegetables or fruits, no fast food. I say, GO GREEN! Hope this helps.

Long Woltjer: It depends on what you're currently eating and what you'll be eating as a vegan. If you just eat vegan desserts, then you probably won't lose weight or be healthier.However, if you eat a mostly whole-foods, vegan diet, then you should become healthier and lose weight (provided you have extra weight to lose). Eating a diet with mostly fruits and veggies will go a long way to making you healthier.Speaking for me, my cholesterol level, which was ok as an omnivore, went down 38 p! oints after I went vegan.Hope this helps!Tracy...Show more


Antonia Boomershine: Whether you will lose weight depends on how many calories you eat. My weight stayed steady throughout the transition to vegetarianism and then to veganism. I know some vegans who, at first, ate 90% low-calorie foods like fruits and veggies, and of course they lost weight.Any diet is as healthy as you make it- omnivorism, pesctearianism, vegetarianism, veganism, raw, gluten-free- I hold that if you eat well and exercise, most types of diets can be healthy. You need to make sure you get enough fruits, vegetables, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. That can be achieved on any diet. 3+ servings veggies, 2+ servings fruit, 4+ servings whole grains, 3+ servings protein, 1 serving healthy fats is my reccomendation....Show more

Hyo Hardell: Not necessarily. Whether or not you lose weight will depend on how many calories you take in. If you eat a lot of junk food as a vegan you will be unhealthy. If you eat healthier food, you will b! e healthier.

Judie Kise: yes and u will be healthy and u will look great

Renita Sefton: You only lose weight if you do many exercise and your ability to lose weight also depends on your metabolism. However losing weight is easier to accomplish for a vegan compared to omnivores.

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